I love putting together my book review posts where I share with you guys what I’ve read over the past month. Well, I thought you might enjoy seeing what my kids have been reading lately too! So here you go, my kids have named the best books for 3rd-5th graders. Both of my younger kids…
2018 Books
March 2019 book review
Eight books this month! A couple were just light, fluffy, “beach” reads, but one was a hard core difficult to get through. Read on for my March 2019 book review…. I started off March with STATION ELEVEN by: Emily St. John Mandel.A virus has wiped out most of humanity. The people remaining are plunged back…
February Book Review
It’s book review time! For all your book lovers out there, this post is for you! If reading isn’t your thing and you’re into traveling instead, I’ve got a “how to pack for a ski trip” post coming up on Monday. 🙂 This month I finished 8 books. I’m surprised I was able to get…
2018 book review! (holy cow! I forgot to post this!!)
Good grief. It seems as though I never published my 2018 book review…you know the one I kept saying I was going to name my favorite book of the year? I went looking for it to link to my January 2019 book review and couldn’t find it. I couldn’t find it because it was still…
January Book Review!
Here it is, the first book review of 2019. I did pretty well this month…finishing 8 books! I had plenty of time on our cruise to read to my hearts content. I’ve set my 2019 reading goal at 80 so ending the first month with 8 already under my belt is a good start! Verity…
December Book Review
I know it’s not the end of December but you are getting my monthly book review early! Why, you ask? Because at the end of the month I will put out my 2018 book review recap…and…I will name my number one favorite book of the year! Only three books this go-round…. The Great Alone by:…