Every once in a while I feel the need to share with you guys things I’ve come across as I’ve been wandering the world wide web. Sometimes the things I find are educational, sometimes entertaining and often times just plain weird! Here’s what I’ve found lately on my travels around the internet… links you may…
Everyday Life
What’s Up Wednesday!
New year…new What’s Up Wednesday link up. The last Wednesday of each month Shay and Sheaffer host a fun link up where bloggers all over answer the same questions. I’ll admit my answers are usually pretty darn boring…but it’s fun to see everyone elses! what we are eating this week… Well I wish I had…
What Should I Buy? (Grove Collaborative)
It’s time for me to place an order with Grove Collaborative. I’m out of toilet cleaner and we can’t have that now can we??!! 😉 But I thought I’d check with you guys and see if you’d like to me to review any thing from Grove. I’d be happy to try something new…I’ll be the…
Carnival Excursions Review (recap part two!)
Last Thursday I gave you my thoughts on our most recent Carnival Cruise on the Pride. It was a Journey cruise (meaning it was 14 days) and we hit seven different islands. We did four official Carnival excursions. The other days we did our own thing…wandering to see the sights. We’ve always booked official Carnival…
Carnival Cruise Recap (part one!)
We’re back!! What an awesome time we had on Carnival cruising the Southern Caribbean. It was two weeks of warmth and new adventures. Seeing as how it was in the teens when we returned, it was really hard to come back! LOL! Seriously just a few days ago it was 83 degrees and I was…
Home Delivery…Ready to Sign Up?
It’s a new year and perhaps one of your resolutions involves taking better care of yourself or taking better care of the environment. If so I have a couple of ways, utilizing home delivery, where you can do just that! Are you ready to sign up? 🙂 ************************************ If one of your goals is to…