This weekend we are laying pretty low, except we are having dinner with our neighbors and I’m taking Joshua out on a date …excuse me I mean a “Mom/Son Moment”. Originally I had put on his calendar “Mom/Joshua Date”. Oh my!! Apparently I cannot have a date with my son, that would be gross! The…
Friday Favorites
Friday Favorites: 2-2-18
The week flew by and now it’s time to link up with Erika, Andrea and Narci. Grab a cup of coffee and a cozy blanket while I share a few Friday Favorites… I don’t wear a ton of makeup…seriously?! Who has the time to do full foundation and contouring every day?? But the minimal stuff I do…
Friday Favorites
It’s time once again to link up with Andrea, Erika and Narci for Friday Favorites! Sarah has started a Criminal Justice class at the local community college. It meets twice a week which puts me on #momtaxi duty on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The college is just far enough away that it doesn’t make sense to come back home…
Friday Favorites
Today I’m linking up with Erika, Narci and Andrea to share some Friday Favorites. Another week…another snow day. Sigh. We haven’t had a normal week since before Christmas break. If there hasn’t been an actual snow day then there’s been a 2 (or even 3!) hour delay or an early dismissal, or a holiday, or…