So, I did a thing. I wrote/drew my favorite chocolate cookie recipe on the inside of one of my kitchen cabinets. I use this recipe so often you’d think I’d have memorized it but nope. So whenever I wanted to bake up a batch I’d have to pull it up on the note app on…
Home Tours
Organizing kids Clothes
Spring in Maryland…lets just say we have strange, unpredictable weather. Once day it can be 45 degrees and the next 80. This makes it challenging to figure out what the kids should wear each day. But with some days getting up into the 70’s it was clear I needed to dig into my kids closets…
Bathroom Remodels- Friday Favorites
This week coming up with my Friday Favorites (with Shay, Andrea and Narci) is a no brainer! We just finished not one, but two bathroom remodels! Both of upstairs bathrooms were in pretty sad shape. I’ve mentioned before but the previous owners (who were the original home owners) never really did any upgrades to the…
Picking out the tree (part 1 AND 2)
An annual tradition…picking out just the right Christmas tree. In previous years we’ve gone to tree farm and chopped one down, but these past two years we just went to a local lot. By the way…when did Christmas dragons become a thing? 😉 Joshua found our tree this year. And we all had to admit…
My Favorite Christmas Ornaments
On this installment of Friday Favorites, I thought I’d share with you my favorite Christmas ornaments. Like most families, we’ve been collecting ornaments for our tree for many, many years. We add in a new “family” ornament each year and if the kids made any trinkets for the tree we’ll hang those too.
Holiday Home Tour- Part 2
In case you missed part one of my holiday home tour…look here! Today’s holiday home tour- part 2 brings you the living room. There was just too much going on in there for me to add it to yesterdays post.