Christmas 2018 came and went quickly! We unwrapped presents, sang songs, ate tons of food, laughed a lot, enjoyed each others company (most of the time!) and basically soaked up as much Christmas cheer as we could. But come December 26th, I had the tree down (it was making such a mess), and by the 30th all the rest of the decor was put away too. Why…you ask…did I get everything put away so fast? We’ve got a cruise to look forward to and it’s only days away! I needed to set Christmas aside so I could wrap my head around all that needs to be done to prepare for our time away. But don’t worry we packed plenty of fun into our Christmas break…take a look….
We kicked off our official Christmas break with a fun Christmas lights scavenger hunt. First we had dinner at IHOP (most of us wore our jammies!), then off we went to see what we could find. I think we did pretty good!
Christmas eve started off with a trip to church to worship, sing songs and see/hear the Christmas story…and look we had a star in our midst! Joshua was chosen to portray the angel Gabriel this year. He was quite proud and kept telling us it was a major roll…even though he had exactly ZERO line! haha! After church the siblings did their annual gift exchange, we set out the required cookies and milk and then watched “A Christmas Story”. As soon as the kids were in bed we brought down all of the gifts for the kids. The little kids have giant stockings that 99% of their gifts go into and the big kids have many smaller items in those stacked boxes.
Christmas morning brought many smiles! (and WAY too much wrapping paper!) The kids opened all their stuff, played with (or admired) their stuff and then the grandparents showed up with MORE presents and round two began! Did I mention the amount of wrapping paper?? We had an early dinner (lasagna) and got everyone to bed at a decent time. Christmas 2018 was over!

Bright and early the next morning this cutie was up making her first ever batch of waffles with her new personal sized waffle maker. She made the batter from scratch and the waffles turned out really good!!
Oh and then these very mature girls decided they needed to have an epic Nerf gun war. It was hilarious to see the big kids acting like little kids. Too cute!!
We had a wonderful Christmas. Full of love and laughter. I hope yours was as well!
In case you are still on break with your kiddos and need something to do it’s not too late to make Christmas Cookies!