Yes, we just got back from a 14 day Carnival cruise. It was awesome! So lovely to get away to a warm, sunny place. Sure beats the gray weather here in Maryland! I mean really, we came home to temps in the teens with a wind chill that made it feel like below zero! Anyway, I thought I’d share with you some of our fun cruise swag (aka souvenirs) and a few other Friday Favorites….


Tasty seasoning blend we found in San Juan and sea salt with basil from Grand Turk. The seasoning has a hint of lime to it which the kids found out was super tasty on their pork chops.

These three hair products are actually brand new to me but they’d better quickly become favorites since they will be key to my shiny new hair style…without further ado…check it out!

Well? What do you think? I didn’t measure it but I’m pretty sure I had about 11-12 inches of hair chopped off. It was just getting SO thin. I needed to find a style that would make it appear fuller. Did I accomplish that? I waited until after our cruise on the advice of my mom. She said it was better to do it later that way I wouldn’t be stuck with tons of pictures from the cruise with a hair cut I hated. haha! Solid advice mom. 🙂
three, four and five…
Gifts! We gave Meghan a bottle of mango rum (along with a cute shot glass). Sarah loves to cook so she got the spices shown above. Joshua got a vintage batman car from St. Maarten and Sofia….good lord, I’ve been home for 4 days and cannot for the life of me remember what we gave her! But whatever it was I’m sure it was great! LOL! The little bird candles are from San Juan and will be a gift to one of our neighbors that helped out while we were gone, getting the kids to and from school.
This beauty came from St. Lucia. Apparently the way you tie your hair means a lot. One knot means you are single, two knots means you have a boyfriend, three knots indicates you are engaged (but still looking! haha!) I just thought this little doll was so sweet, I just had to have it.
I snapped a few pics of the things I loved having/using the most while we were gone. All I would consider travel must haves (particularly if you are going to be on a cruise!)
- packing cubes (shown in black and pink)
- cross body purse (this one held both our passports, my phone, ID, credit card and small tube of sunscreen)
- shoe bags (awesome for keeping sandy shoes separate from other things in your suit case!)
- laundry bag (this one is not only cute but huge when you unfold it)
- power strip with usb ports (make sure you take a non-surge suppressor if you are on a cruise ship)
- downy wrinkle release (aint nobody got time for ironing while on a cruise vacation or any other kind! LOL!)
- bag tags (sturdy, twist on tags keep your info safe)
- pill organizer box (no one wants to lug around all those pill bottles)
- lanyards (absolutely essential while on a cruise. Your key card is your life and it needs to be handy. This time around I added pins of most of the places we stopped at)
- compact umbrella (never needed to use this, but you know if I hadn’t have brought one it would have rained every single day!)
- room sign (all stateroom doors look the same. Having a sign of some kind is really helpful)

What is going on here in my hallway?? I have no idea! LOL! But the way my kids play with their stuffed pets in always a favorite. For years the two youngest have played endlessly with these guys. The know all their names. It’s really quite amazing. Now lately Sofia has been more reluctant to play with Joshua. She’s getting older and maturing (much to Joshuas chagrin 🙁 ) But every once in a while I see something like this and know that Sofia is still a little kid at heart.
Hope you liked seeing my cruise swag (and everything else!) That’s it for this edition of Friday Favorites….a weekly link up for bloggers everywhere. Check out the hosts of Friday Favorites… Erika, Narci and Andrea
See you next week! 🙂
Sofia, charms from each port from Diamond Exchange
Oh! Right!!