I couldn’t share this family gift basket before now…well…because I had to wait until after I gave it to the family! Wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise! LOL! This was a fun gift basket to put together, with simple touches to make is super personalized.

Breakfast/coffee was the theme I went with. When putting together a gift basket I recommend finding one “anchor” item that will then guide the rest of the goodies you add. In this case the framed print was the anchor. I found it on Etsy from NativeVermont. Here’s the one I bought, but they have just about every dog breed you can think of! As for personalizing…you can change the color, the type of drink and then add your city and dog/s names. So cute!!

After the print, it was easy to find items to go along with the overall theme. I added in coffee, cocoa, pancake mix, granola and some of those fun chocolate melting spoons, along with a couple of to-go cups. A coffee cup themed ornament (along with an initial ornament for the family) topped everything off. To bring it all together, the goods went into a rustic wood crate.

Seriously, how cute are those coffee themed to-go cups?? Home Goods for the win! LOL! Is there anything more fun than the thrill of the hunt at Home Goods? I found one of these cups in one aisle and was bummed when I couldn’t find any more. BUT three aisles over, in a completly unrelated section, there it was…a second matching cup! score! haha!

Hope you enjoying seeing this fun family gift basket. 🙂 I had such a good time creating it for the most special family who happens to also be the best neighbors one could have. If you need more inspiration, check out my gift ideas here!