It’s Friday so it must be time for my Friday Favorites! As I write this it’s gloomy and raining. We were hoping to drive around look at Christmas lights, but it looks like we will need to hold off until Saturday. We plan on using this Christmas Lights Scavenger Hunt. We’ve done this once before and it was super fun. It really adds an extra something to the typical lights viewing.
Speaking of Christmas lights…Here’s my total favorite, Friday Favorite…

We won our neighborhoods holiday lights contest! Actually there are three awards but to my husband this is the only one that matters! LOL! The others…Best Use of a Theme and Most Traditional, are certainly awards that will never grace our yard. 😉 Our front yard most often looks like Christmas threw up all over it…but while we will never be the “classy” house, the kids (and the hubby) LOVE it. I suspect people driving around looking for holiday lights enjoy it too.
Other Friday Favorites…

Holy crap! How pretty is my daughter in her senior pictures!?!?! (of course she’s pretty all the time, but wow, these photos really bring that out) This was a just a sneak peak but we did get to see the full gallery this past week. Once we’ve chosen the prints we want I will share more details.

Before we met with the photographer Sarah and I grabbed lunch at Rams Head in Savage Mill. Savage Mill is just the cutest place. It used to be a manufacturing plant, producing canvas that was used for tents during the civil war, truck covers and canvas cots during both world wars, sails for large ocean going vessels and even for painted backdrops used in Hollywoods first silent movies. Click here for more info. I’m so glad that once it stopped production that the plant wasn’t simply bull dozed. Instead it has an eclectic mix of shops and places to eat. Sarah and I shared this peanut butter pie at Rams Head (sorry we dug into it before I grabbed a pic! haha!) and it was TO.DIE.FOR!! So, so good.

This cutie had her winter band concert. She plays percussion. During this concert she played the triangle, the snare and…..uh….I can’t remember the third. She was just bummed she didn’t get to play her favorite…the bass drum!

We had so much fun decorating Christmas cookies! In case you missed it, look here.

What fresh hell is this?!?!? This card made me laugh out loud…at Target. 🙂 I mean, are they serious right now?? As moms we know darn well that we do most of the Christmas planning, but really…do we need this kind of pressure? I don’t think so!

The Kids and I put together these cute teacher gifts for Christmas. All of the bits and pieces (the tote bags, etc.) came from Target in their back to school section of the dollar spot that they had out back in September. I added a small gift card to each of the (6) teachers, either to Target or Starbucks, based upon the teacher wish lists. We also included a gift card to Bass Pro for the gym teacher (who so often gets overlooked!) and an Applebees gift card for the guidance counselor. She is just super sweet and so supportive of my kids…we just had to let her know how much we appreciate her.
And finally, my last Friday Favorite…I was wandering around Marshalls the other day and I found these super cute socks and this hat/mitten gift set that I thought could be perfect last minute gifts. There were tons of other colors to choose from as well.
That’s it! Next Friday Favorites will most likely include all sorts of holiday fun! Have a Merry Christmas! If you want to link up to Friday Favorites, check out Erikas blog, A Little Bit of Everything and join the link at the bottom.