I just have a few Friday Favorites to share with you this week. We’ve been busy helping our oldest move her room into the basement, doing a ton of yard work/spring clean-up and I’m starting to tackle all the to-do items for June graduation (I can’t believe another one of my kids will be graduating this year!! 2 down, 2 to go 🙂 )

As usual, I’m teaming up with Andrea, Erika and Narci for Friday Favorites. 🙂

I love a good list! I found this cutie pad of note paper at a local shop in Annapolis (while I was on lunch break from the dreaded jury duty!). It’s just right for sitting on my counter where I can jot down (and cross off!) things as they come to me.

Sometimes all you need are sweet kitty kisses. 🙂

lots of Stitch Fix goodness arrived! (it’s fun even when the clothes aren’t for me! LOL!) Did you miss my latest review? Check it out here.
My hubby got back from a business trip to Hawaii. The kids sure were happy to have him home and he was a dutiful husband and brought me back this lovely lei.
Basement got some love and attention recently. Our oldest is making herself a nest in what was my crafting area, so we needed to move a whole bunch of stuff around. This is what the space looks like now (no pics of her room yet). Looks good right? I won’t show you the other side with the mountain of stuff that is being picked up for donation…it’s sort of a hot mess! haha!
That’s it for this week…short and sweet. Have a great weekend! 🙂