Wondering what I’ve been up to over the past week? I’ll give you one picture…

Penny the puppy of course!! (doing her dead dog impression) While Penny is an awesome puppy she is still, after-all, a puppy and we all know that they take up a lot of time! I will say…I think we hit the dog jackpot with this girl though! She walks wonderfully on her walks…only pulling when she sees a squirrel, bird, or the odd leaf that she must have. LOL! In fact she is far more likely to sit down while out on our walks…she wants to sit, just so and watch the world go by. We’ve decided she is the dog version of Ferdinand the Bull.

If you’ve not ever read this children’s story then you must check it out…it’s a super sweet story about a big, fierce looking bull who, instead of running and chasing and butting the other bulls, would much rather be sitting under a cork tree watching the bees and smelling the flowers. That’s our Penny. 🙂

Here are the rest of my Friday Favorites (a weekly link up with Andrea, Erika and Narci)

My god-daughter has a stuffed dog she says looks just like Penny…she now calls her “Penny her god-puppy”…how cute is that??

My neighbors have the most beautiful cherry trees in their front yard. On a recent walk I saw these little wild pansy’s mixed in with the pretty petals.

I went with an old friend to see this documentary made by a local film maker. You see I’ve driven by the old Crownsville Hospital complex countless times on my way into Annapolis. I’ve always been intrigued by the imposing brick buildings and their history. I thought the movie was good, it had a number of former staff members and patients giving their recollections of their time at Crownsville. I thought it was pretty well done, but I would have much preferred a deeper look into the construction, along with “then and now” photos of the interiors. Plus I think it would have had a more natural flow if the storyline was timeline based rather than chunked up into segments like “treatments” or “experiments”. All in all, for $5/ticket, it was a worthwhile way to spend a Saturday morning and learn a bit more about an interesting local site.
If you are interested in reading more about the Crownsville Hospital, check out these links….
The Hospital for the Negro Insane of Maryland
Crownsville Hospital Complex in Crownsville, MD

Sofia made me a simple Dandelion bracelet. (good lord, don’t mind my pasty white hand/arm! I look like I could be dead! haha!)

Welcome to Penny’s favorite place in our backyard. Seriously…is she not the cutest??

Did you miss my post about Spring Hostess gifts? Well, here you go! Having fun gifts on hand is most certainly a favorite of mine. 🙂
Have a great weekend!! 🙂