Time for Friday Favorites! Most Fridays (missed last week!) I link up with Erika, Andrea, and Narci to share my Friday Favorites. If you are ready for some randomness read on…Earlier in the week in my Beauty Questions post, I mentioned those little lip gloss slider tins that I had when I was a pre-teen. I loved those things! Guess what?! They are coming back!!
I’m not sure how I feel about them being considered “Vintage”….um….does that make ME vintage?? 😉 You can buy them HERE.
I see that the roller ball shiny lip potion is back too! When I was a kid, I might have slathered this stuff on JUST so I could lick it off! 🙂 I’m pretty sure a few of the slider tins and lip potions will be living in my home very soon! Now just to pick a flavor! By the way, I just read, in the video comments section, that someone still has her ORIGINAL lip slider tins! WHAT?? I’m sorry that can’t be good…aren’t we supposed to toss make-up after a certain amount of time? I’d like to see that thing under a microscope because it’s got to have some seriously funky germ stuff going on after all these years! LOL!
Even though it’s still winter, planning has begun for my communities Summer Party. We’ve got some fun stuff planned! By the time the party comes around this windy, cold weather will be a distant memory. (this is last years invite)
My Keurig is always a favorite! This sucker gets used and abused. I use it to make tea (always Earl Gray), Nick and Meghan use it to make coffee, the little kids use it to make hot cocoa and Sarah just uses it to dispense hot water for her (sometimes odd) tea combinations….like green tea with tarragon or chili powder…uh…ick! (but she loves it!). Good lord, looking closely at the picture makes me see that I really should wipe this space down a bit! I guess it splatters more than I thought. Gross.
A hot cup of tea is always my favorite way to start the day! (why am I holding my mug this way? What’s up with the weird two finger grip?? I promise this is not the way I usually hold my cups! HAHA!) You know what’s not a Friday favorite?? That damn textured ceiling! UGH!
Finally…my last Friday Favorite. I’m pretty sure truer words have NEVER been spoken. To this day if I can’t find something in my own home, I can just call my mom and she will come find it! It’s a gift. Of course I’m the finder of things for my own kids (and Nick! LOL!). It’s just something about moms. 🙂
That’s it for now! Have a great weekend!
I too remember those lip gloss items. You had several different flavors, they didn’t last long.