Only a few Friday Favorites to share this week!
I’m linking up with Erika, Narci and Andrea to share my Friday Favorites!
Sarah’s boyfriend graduated and had a lovely ceremony with 8 other homeschoolers. (yes, homeschooled kids can still have actual graduations!…and….they can still have…
I picked up the Magnolia Cookbook a few weeks ago and am just now getting around to trying a few of the recipes. First up was this banana bread…it was a huge hit, even with that boy of mine who insists he doesn’t “care for” banana bread. I also gave the chicken pot pie a whirl…but while the flavor was good, in no way did it resemble a pot pie…WAY too much liquid! It was very tasty so we just called it pot pie flavored soup instead. I will try it again but likely cut the broth quantity by atleast half.
My Superman boys are always a favorite!
Did you know there was such a thing as a pet ambulance? Neither did I until I spotted this one on my way to the college…on a way I’d never been before to try to avoid the insane traffic, which I was unable to do anyway! Seriously it took me over an hour to do a 20 minute drive. UGH!
These magnetic grocery lists have been awesome! Everyone just adds to it all week and then I hit the store.
I’m not sure if I can call this a friday favorite…but I’m told snakes are good to have around…keeps the rodent population down. Although with our recent mouse invasion, I’m not sure this guy is earning his keep around here!
Who knew that power washing could become so artistic!
I’ll leave you with these two…sitting on the table…bonding over Pokemon.
Have a great weekend!
Snake? You have a snake in your yard? Love the pic of Meghan and Joshua on the table, super sweet! How many times have you seen that LONG snake?