You asked…I answered! Back in this post, I asked you guys if there were any Grove Collaborative products you would like me to review. Thanks for all the emails! After going through all of them, I bought a few of the most asked for items and am ready to answer your Grove questions….

Hey Tina! I have been thinking of trying Grove Collaborative for a while but wasn’t sure if I would like their branded items. So, I’ve got a Grove question… I’ve used a couple of Mrs. Meyer’s products before but wanted to branch out and try the Grove brand. I’ve been eyeing their new laundry soap stuff. Care to test that out for me? Thanks! —- Tiffany L.
Tiffany, I grabbed up the laundry system that Grove is now offering. The started pack included the glass dispenser bottle and a 24 oz package of liquid laundry detergent. I chose the lavender and rosemary scent but there are two other choices as well…free and clear and citrus woods. The dispenser bottle is really unique. First you load up the bottle to the fill line and screw back on the top. When you twist the top portion to the unlock position and tip it upside down, the proper portion of liquid fills the dispenser. Once there are no more bubble coming up, indicating that the right amount of soap has been loaded in, you twist the top back to the lock position. When you are ready to do your laundry just pour the soap right in. You’ll get just the right amount to do a regular size load of laundry. To refill and be ready for the next load just repeat the above steps.

I’ve used the grove laundry system for atleast 10 loads now and I’ve found that my clothes look and feel as clean as when I use my Gain pod things. The bottle never drips or leaks and really it’s quite stylish. When it comes to boring chores, style is quite important to me. Let’s face it, laundry is boring but it is a necessary evil. If I have to stand at those machines day in and day out I want to make sure I’m looking at pleasant things.

My laundry room closet might be tiny but I’ve painted it and added art work as well as I make sure the items needed to get the job done are attractive and easy to use. The grove laundry dispenser bottle certainly fits the bill. (anything has to be better than a big jug of Tide pods…am I right? 🙂 ) So, all in all I have no complaints about groves laundry detergent, other than I’d like to have more scent choices. I admit it, I like my clothes to smell like fresh laundry…do you know what I mean? I prefer that soapy smell over flowers or fruit scents. If Grove could make a scent that smells like classic laundry I’d be a customer for life. 🙂
Dear Tina- I travel quite a bit and have been using a wrinkle releaser for a while but I don’t care for the smell! Any thoughts on the wrinkle spray that Grove offers?—- Maribelle

I will admit I had never used any type of wrinkle releaser until our latest cruise. I packed a travel size bottle of the downy kind and used it on my husbands dress shirts on formal nights. It worked well and I can see now that I will pack it for future trips. Sure beats using an actual iron! ha! So, I ordered Groves new Wrinkle Releaser and gave it a try. Right off the bat I noticed it has no smell. You know how some “scent free” products still have some kind of smell? This free and clear really doesn’t. The concept with these sprays it simple, spray it on the wrinkly area, smooth with your hands and either lay flat or hang to dry (depending on fabric type). Without the smell I could have been spraying just water for all I knew, except when I am smoothing it out with my hands I can feel a slight “starchy” feel if you know what I mean. I think this stuff worked well! I will say I think it took a bit more smoothing and tugging on the fabric to get it to be wrinkle free, but the fact that it has no harsh chemicals and no harsh smell is worth the extra work. Here’s the before and (almost) after…sorry, I must have spaced when it came to taking a pic of when it was totally dry)
(I haven’t had cause to try the above pictured stain spray but will report back on it once I’ve tested it out.)
I’ve seen the bubble-up scrub brush all over Pinterest lately, have you tried it? If so, I’ve been wondering something….does it get scummy in the bottom where the soap/water goes? — Tracy
When I first signed up for Grove, the bubble up scrubber was supposed to be in the free gift set. BUT it had sold out and so they substituted the long handle scrub brush (which by the way I love and have used long enough now that I’ve had to replace the brush head…it’s a total power horse, well worth it!). However, your letter gave me the go-ahead to try the shorter scrub brush with the bubbly dispenser.

The short answer to your question…NO, it doesn’t get scummy in the soap/water holder. But let me say this…I change the water out daily. If it sat longer it’s possible it would get filmy/scummy. For those who don’t know, the bubble up scrubber works like this….pour enough water to fill about 1/4 of the small bowl and squirt in a bit of whatever dish soap you like (I’m currently using the Method soap but I also have (and use regularly, the Grove branded dish soap). Place the metal springy disc in the dish. When you bounce the metal disc up and down with the scrubber it creates bubbles…just the right amount to wash up whatever dishes you have. I like this scrubber…its less wasteful. I don’t know about your kids, but mine will squeeze half the bottle of dish soap out just to wash three plates! So it’s economical but also looks nice sitting out by your sink.
Hi Tina. First let me say I love your blog! Your reviews have really helped me. Here’s my Grove question…I’ve been trying to find cleaning wipes that work AND that smell good (not like harsh chemicals, I think even the supposed nicer smelling Clorox wipes smell like chemicals). Have you tried the Method cleaning wipes? If you what do you think?—- Lori
Lori…I too find most cleaning wipes to be too strongly scented. Plus I’ve found that many of them have thin “fabric” and they’re not big enough! I want the wipe to basically cover my whole hand when I’m cleaning. I had not tried the Method compostable wipes before but never you worry! I grabbed them up in my last delivery and now I’m ready to report back! I was undecided as to which scent I should try so I bought two different ones….the Pink Grapefruit and the Lime & Sea-Salt.
First off I loved how thick and big they were! Both scents were nice but I definitely preferred the Lime & Sea-Salt. I thought the Pink Grapefruit was ok, but it just didn’t have that “clean/fresh” scent I look for in cleaning products. I thought it was a bit “lotion-y” smelling if that makes any sense! LOL! Now…did they work?? Take a look at this picture. I’m embarrassed to say that all this dirt came from my stair handrail! ICK! Yes, I would say they work! 😉

Ok, that’s it for today. I hope I helped! Stay tuned for part two of my Grove questions . I have three more letters and products to share with you. 🙂 Between now and then if you have any grove questions feel free to write me and ask away!

Don’t forget, if you sign up with Grove Collaborative, you’ll get a 5-piece gift set for free with your first order. The current offering is shown above…I LOVE that floral cleaning caddy! Even if you never order from them again, you can’t beat the freebie set!! Please review my disclosure page to review my policies regarding referral products and reviews.
Finally, if you are looking for more Grove product reviews, take a look here, here and here. 🙂