It’s been a long time since I’ve looked at the stats for my blog. To be honest, stats are just not something I keep track of. But, for whatever reason, I took a look at my post popularity today. I was very surprised to see what posts have gotten the most views. Generally speaking the comparison posts are where the actions at! Here’s the top 5 posts of all time…
- Wantable vs. Trunk Club vs. Stitchfix Ok. I get this. Home style delivery is popular. Especially since the pandemic. While we may be home more…social distancing, working from home, etc., we still want to have some style! I’ve used these three companies many, many times. Since this post I’ve really narrowed it down and mostly just use Trunk Club now. Really you can’t go wrong with any of the three, it’s just that I feel like the stylists through TC get me and my style. It’s also awesome that they will pick up my return right from my house for no additional charge.

2. Trunk Club vs. Stitchfix See? Here’s another similar to number one. This just shows me, again, how so many people want to do their shopping in the privacy of their own home.
Let’s Get Organized!
3. Compare Clever Fox and Panda Planners Interesting! I would have never guessed that this comparison post would be in the top five of all time and continues to show up in the number one spot many weeks. I mean, I get it. We all want to be organized and that didn’t end with Covid. In fact, remaining organized became ever MORE important while working from home! All those Zoom calls and Google meets. I don’t know about you guys, but when my kids were doing school from home, my husband was teaching from home (still is BTW…but that’s a whole other topic LOL!), my college kid was doing the whole college thing remotely…we needed to be organized! I know how much I love a good planner and now I see I’m not alone! As an update into my journey to find the perfect planner…well…I’m actually not using either one of these! Turns out I have found the perfect balance in using my calendar app on my phone, a simple monthly view paper planner for real estate and personal social media stuff and my good ‘ole “leather” yearly planner from Target. Three years in a row now I have picked one of these up and I use it faithfully. Theres just the right amount of space on the monthly view to jot down appointments and such and on the daily blocks I journal every night. I’ve kept some sort of journal for so many years I’ve lost track. These small blocks probably only have enough space for 4-5 sentences but I l love that theres no pressure to write a novel each day. Just a few musings and that’s it. (I also have one of those desk blotter calendars, but I find I only use it to reference what day it actually is when I’m sitting at my desk)

Book Reviews!
4.The Wife Between Us vs. The Last Mrs. Parrish Ha! I knew I wasn’t the only one who would wonder which of these two books was better! I used to do monthly book reviews (something I’d love to get back to someday!) but these two books deserved their very own post. Both great reads but many years later I remember The Last Mrs. Parrish more than the other, so, by default, I’d have to say I enjoyed that one just a bit more than the other. If you are looking for book reviews, check here!

Red Heads are Special!
5.Best Dry Shampoo for Red Heads Yes, yes yes! Based on the popularity of this particular post it seems that there are many red heads who are searching for the perfect dry shampoo. Let’s face facts…for many, your hair only needs to look good enough from the front (I’m looking at you Zoom!) and even though you might be home more than ever showers are hard to come by…managing your (home) work life and your family and still working, working, working…well…dry shampoo to the rescue! But red heads are special…we have special needs when it comes to our hair. I tested out many different kinds and this was my report. I hope it continues to help all those red heads out there for years to come! (spoiler alert…I still use the Rockaholic- Dirty Secret. It really is the best of the best!)

Ok, so there you have it…those are the top five posts of all time on my blog. If you had asked me I would never have guessed that these would be the ones. But I’m just to glad that I’ve helped someone along the way. 🙂