Now that our bathroom has been remodeled, it was time to go through the piles of lotions and makeup that has accumulated over time. I wanted to find a way to organize my beauty products that would make it easy to find what I’m looking for as well as easy to maintain. So for this edition of Friday Favorites (with Erika, Narci and Andrea), I thought I’d share my new system.
you have to go through everything!
I’m sure I’m not alone when I say I had quite a collection of cleansers, lotions, hair styling products and tons of makeup that I don’t even wear. I was pretty ruthless in my evaluation of what to keep, what to store elsewhere and what to toss.
Once I had tossed everything that was old, expired, nearly empty or just simply stuff I NEVER use, then I went on to the stuff to store elsewhere. Often this seems counter productive to me…to move unused items to another place but in this case I have some fancier makeup that I don’t use often but I know I will want to have them on hand come holiday time. So those items went into a labeled bin in my closet.
Now comes the fun part! I needed ways to organize my beauty supplies that kept things orderly AND were pleasant to look at. I don’t how you are, but if something is organized in a pretty way I am far more likely to keep it that way.
Target to the rescue!
I came home from Target with the perfect drawers that fit under my sink. Nail polishes are on top. (the first picture is before I had perfected my system. 😉 My brushes and hair accessories are in the top drawer, hair styling products in the second and my facial stuff in the bottom. And yes, that is a Lange wand AND a Lange flat iron you see. They were having a super great sale and I loved the styling wand so much that I just knew I HAD to try out their flat iron as well! It’s working perfectly to give my new hair do the beachy waves I was hoping for.
onto the makeup!
Target had this fun compartmentalized container that I knew would be perfect for my makeup needs.

After going through all my makeup, I narrowed it down to just what you see. I’ve talked about a number of these items before. For me they are the must-haves. You might notice up in the top section my new Color the World lipsticks. I talked about them a few weeks ago.

You might remember I was trying to find the perfect nude lipstick and had ordered four to try. After several weeks I’ve noticed that I seem to be grabbing one over all the others. (one is in my purse). It seems that the one with the feathers (warrior) is the color for me! 🙂 But I’ll say that scotty dog packaging is just the cutest, isn’t it?
So, that’s it…that’s how I decided to organize my beauty supplies. I love how easy it is to find just what I’m looking for. 🙂