Spring in Maryland…lets just say we have strange, unpredictable weather. Once day it can be 45 degrees and the next 80. This makes it challenging to figure out what the kids should wear each day. But with some days getting up into the 70’s it was clear I needed to dig into my kids closets and dressers and make sure they had some clothes more appropriate for the warmer weather.
My method is the same no matter the kid…empty all dresser drawers, take all their hanging clothes out of the closet and make sure all the laundry is done. There is nothing worse than taking care of all the winter clothes only to have a rogue pair of sweatpants show up in the laundry and then have to dig back out the winter weather box of clothes.
I started in Sofia’s room….
I went through all of her clothes and sorted into three piles….donation, spring/summer clothes ready to go into the dresser, winter stuff that likely will fit again next year.
Sofia’s clothes ready for sorting:

Here’s the winter “to save” box as well as some summer stuff that it’s still too chilly to put out.

and finally here’s the dresser drawers all done.
Next…Joshua’s room! Instead of a dresser Joshua has an old set of lockers I found at a local thrift shop.

Take a look at this hot mess!…

All of his clothes during the sorting process:

and the after shot!

This whole process took only about an hour (after I completed the laundry). I am a ruthless purger so this sort of task comes easy to me. I swear I’d love to organize other peoples stuff, but no one would want me too…I’d throw away half their items right off the bat! LOL!
If you are looking for more closet clean out ideas check out this post.