I have a new Stitch Fix box to share with you today. I had requested boyfriend style jeans, a black cardigan and cozy, long sleeve tops. Let’s see how well the stylist paid attention………………………..
What’s up Wednesday!
Two posts in one day! Here’s a bonus post for you guys. I haven’t done a “what’s up wednesday” in a while so here you go……………………………………………………….
California Trip!
It’s been too long since I’ve written any blog posts! In my defense I was gone for a week and then trying to get back into the routine once I got back…adding in two more extra-curriculars for the kiddos…and hubby’s new job (putting him back in an office building = no more working from home,…
My baby is 9!!
I’m not sure how it happened, but Joshua, who I swear was born just a few weeks ago, is somehow turning 9 today!
Fort Smallwood
Decent weather prompted us to make a quick trip out to Fort Smallwood, a small regional park on the Chesapeake Bay. Apparently at one time, it was owned by Baltimore City and was a popular place for city residents to go on weekends for picnics and swimming. It’s popularity died out when places like Ocean…
Stitch Fix for Kids!!- Boy Review
In the quest to make clothes shopping for my kids more enjoyable, I’ve been trying a couple of different style delivery companies to check them and see what we think. Last week I reviewed my daughters Rockets of Awesome box and then a couple of days ago I showed you my sons Rockets of Awesome…