It’s Friday!! Whew! Made it through another week. This week is ending a bit rough for me…my children have gifted me with the cold they’ve been passing around for the last couple of weeks. #sostuffedup. But I won’t let that keep me from sharing a fun new company with you today…Color the World. They make…
10 Best Ideas for Valentine’s Day
I spent some time today looking for fun Valentine’s Day ideas and wanted to share with you my favorites. Now, we don’t usually go crazy on the 14th but I make sure the kids have cards to pass out to their classmates (some years with candy, some years without) and we try to do a…
Disappointing Stitch Fix
Well, it had to happen eventually…a disappointing Stitch Fix! I was so looking forward to this Stitch Fix delivery! I opened the box with great anticipation… There’s just something so fun about getting a wrapped up package…all for me! LOL! This is what awaited me… in the box…. Light gray marled twist front top (cute…
My travels around the internet
Every once in a while I feel the need to share with you guys things I’ve come across as I’ve been wandering the world wide web. Sometimes the things I find are educational, sometimes entertaining and often times just plain weird! Here’s what I’ve found lately on my travels around the internet… links you may…
2018 book review! (holy cow! I forgot to post this!!)
Good grief. It seems as though I never published my 2018 book review…you know the one I kept saying I was going to name my favorite book of the year? I went looking for it to link to my January 2019 book review and couldn’t find it. I couldn’t find it because it was still…
January Book Review!
Here it is, the first book review of 2019. I did pretty well this month…finishing 8 books! I had plenty of time on our cruise to read to my hearts content. I’ve set my 2019 reading goal at 80 so ending the first month with 8 already under my belt is a good start! Verity…