An annual tradition…picking out just the right Christmas tree. In previous years we’ve gone to tree farm and chopped one down, but these past two years we just went to a local lot. By the way…when did Christmas dragons become a thing? 😉

Joshua found our tree this year. And we all had to admit that the shape was perfect so on top of the car it went! Once we got home we made quick work of getting the lights on (and by “we” I mean me!) and then the kids went crazy putting all the ornaments up. Soon enough this is what we had…

Pretty right? We thought so too…until a week later when the carpet was covered with literally thousands of pine needles! Right away I was concerned when the tree didn’t seem to be taking in much water and by the one week mark it had stubbonly refused to drink any and the needles were turning yellow and falling off. sigh. So, what did we do? Took everything off and started over!
yup…all those lights and ornaments. They were everywhere! Back to the tree lot we went where they were very understanding and replaced our tree for free. And here’s what we ended up…

Yes, I know it looks just about the same…well..that WAS the idea, wasn’t it? 😉
If you still need to pretty up your tree, scroll down this post to check out my tips for decorating the perfect Christmas tree
I’ll leave you with a bonus pic of my sweet kitty, Harriet. She thought these little trees Nick was making for the front yard were pretty cool. Isn’t she cute??