My father in law passed away a couple of weeks ago and so four of us (the two older girls had too many obligations here at home so they couldn’t come with us) flew out to California for the funeral.
In Remembrance
My father-in-law passed away this past Sunday. This is both joyous and heartbreaking. He had been in such poor condition for so long now that while we are sad that he is no longer with us…we are so very glad that his pain, both physical and emotional, is over. He has been reunited with the…
California Trip!
It’s been too long since I’ve written any blog posts! In my defense I was gone for a week and then trying to get back into the routine once I got back…adding in two more extra-curriculars for the kiddos…and hubby’s new job (putting him back in an office building = no more working from home,…
Friday Favorites 4-28-18
Sit back and relax…I have a lot of Friday Favorites this week! (probably something to do with the fact that I’ve missed the last two Fridays! This past Friday I was in California visiting some of my oldest friends…