I love putting together my book review posts where I share with you guys what I’ve read over the past month. Well, I thought you might enjoy seeing what my kids have been reading lately too! So here you go, my kids have named the best books for 3rd-5th graders. Both of my younger kids…
Organizing kids Clothes
Spring in Maryland…lets just say we have strange, unpredictable weather. Once day it can be 45 degrees and the next 80. This makes it challenging to figure out what the kids should wear each day. But with some days getting up into the 70’s it was clear I needed to dig into my kids closets…
boys and girls stitch fix review
This post took forever to get up and running! Mostly because my children are the most uncooperative models ever! LOL! In fact, they don’t even appear anywhere in this stitch fix post because I never got them to try the clothes on before I had to decide what to keep and what to return. sigh….
Kids Stitch Fix Reviews
Cute stuff in my kids latest Stitch Fix boxes. But my kids being my kids, they weren’t in any hurry to try stuff on so that leaves you guys without a fashion show! LOL! But check out this latest Stitch Fix for kids box anyway… Both my kiddos must have gone through a growth spurt…
How to streamline your kids school lunches
If you are like most families you start off the school year strong. Your kids sandwiches have actual meat and cheese in them, maybe even with some gourmet mayo. Of course there’s a healthy piece of fruit in there as well an organic juice or milk box. Top that off with a homemade sweet treat…
Stitch Fix for Kids!!- Boy Review
In the quest to make clothes shopping for my kids more enjoyable, I’ve been trying a couple of different style delivery companies to check them and see what we think. Last week I reviewed my daughters Rockets of Awesome box and then a couple of days ago I showed you my sons Rockets of Awesome…