Life Lately has been busy. Busy good and busy bad. Filled with plenty of marching band, dance classes and tennis matches (the good busy) and planning and packing for a sudden trip to California to attend my father in laws funeral (bad busy). Instead of Friday Favorites, I thought I’d get you caught up on…
California Trip!
It’s been too long since I’ve written any blog posts! In my defense I was gone for a week and then trying to get back into the routine once I got back…adding in two more extra-curriculars for the kiddos…and hubby’s new job (putting him back in an office building = no more working from home,…
Vacation planning
I’m linking up with Shay and Erika so I can participate in their monthly “How We…” question series. This month it’s all about vacation planning…
Friday Favorites- Goals vs. Resolutions
It’s Friday so it must be time to link up with Narci, Erika, and Andrea for Friday Favorites. It’s almost March, a fair amount of resolutions have already been forgotten. That’s the problem with resolutions. I don’t “do” resolutions instead I focus on goals. While it might seem weird to talk about what seems like a…
January’s Fun Finds
It’s time for January’s “Hot Mess Brain Dump”. 🙂 As I cruise around the internet, I often come across some Fun Finds and thought I would share them with you…