It’s been a long time since I’ve looked at the stats for my blog. To be honest, stats are just not something I keep track of. But, for whatever reason, I took a look at my post popularity today. I was very surprised to see what posts have gotten the most views. Generally speaking the…
Wantable Versus Stitch Fix
Rather than do two separate posts about my most recent style delivery boxes, I thought I’d put them side by side. Wantable versus Stitch Fix! Take a look… When I added a note to the Wantable stylist I mentioned I wanted to try a lighter skinny jean plus some spring tops. As for Stitch Fix,…
Fancy Pants- Trunk Club
It’s time for another Trunk Club style review. My main goal for this go-round was pants…specifically fancy pants. Now I don’t have a ton of reasons to own a pair of fancy pants but when an occasion does pop up I wanted to know I’d be covered with some appropriate attire. I’ll let you in…
Home Delivery…Ready to Sign Up?
It’s a new year and perhaps one of your resolutions involves taking better care of yourself or taking better care of the environment. If so I have a couple of ways, utilizing home delivery, where you can do just that! Are you ready to sign up? ************************************ If one of your goals is to…
Wantable Review
After I returned my entire April shipment from Wantable I was hesitant to get another. But, I figured, maybe it was just a fluke. I went ahead and had another delivery sent. It arrived yesterday…
Summer Style
I’ve added a few new things to my recently cleaned out closet….and they aren’t all black! #momsaysineedmorecolors At this point it’s no secret that I rely on a couple of style delivery companies to supply my wardrobe. But this month I have a few fun finds from Target and Old Navy as well as…