I’ve been very pleased with my previous Wantable deliveries…always keeping atleast one or two items but this latest batch was full of duds!
Wantable Revisited and Other Friday Favorites
As usual, it’s Friday, so I’m linking up with Andrea, Erika and Narci to bring you a few of my favorites from this past week. I’m including a new Wantable Review as well as a fair amount of randomness.
What’s Up Wednesday (2-28-18)
I’m joining up with Shay, Sheaffer and Mel on their monthly link-up “What’s Up Wednesday”, to answer the following questions…
My Week…in Pictures!
I will admit I am full on terrible at capturing the everyday stuff. And yet I love following along with the Day in the Life, style posts of fellow bloggers. So, here’s a few pictures that sum up my week so far! 🙂
Hostess Gifts!…(plus a wantable.com update)
Let’s Talk Hostess Gifts…. I love me a good hostess gift! I love giving them (and receiving them too!). However it seems that the notion of hostess gifts have gone the way of rotary phones and cassette tapes! (wait am I dating myself?? Maybe I should say they’ve gone the way of flip phones and…
Wantable vs. Trunk Club vs. Stitch Fix
Wantable vs. Trunk Club vs. Stitch Fix!…So many style delivery companies are available now, its getting hard to know which one might be right for you. I received a mailer giving me 50% off the usual $20 styling fee at Wantable.com so I zipped over and signed right up.:) I recently did a direct comparison between…