Boy have I been busy lately!! Well not so much busy as occupied. And when I say occupied I mean jury duty! LOL! Yes, it’s true I was finally chosen to serve on a criminal trial. I’ve been called 3 other times and never had to serve. I’d like to say that it was a…
what's up wednesday
What’s Up Wednesday!
New year…new What’s Up Wednesday link up. The last Wednesday of each month Shay and Sheaffer host a fun link up where bloggers all over answer the same questions. I’ll admit my answers are usually pretty darn boring…but it’s fun to see everyone elses! what we are eating this week… Well I wish I had…
What’s Up Wednesday
It’s Halloween! It also happens to be the last Wednesday of the month which means it’s time to link up with Mel, Sheaffer, and Shay to share all sorts of funkiness…
What’s up Wednesday!
Two posts in one day! Here’s a bonus post for you guys. I haven’t done a “what’s up wednesday” in a while so here you go……………………………………………………….
What’s Up Wednesday
In case you were curious (Ok, I’m sure you aren’t but play along!) about what’s been going on around here, check out my answers to the “What’s Up Wednesday” monthly blog link-up…
What’s Up Wednesday
I’m joining Mel, Shay, Sheaffer for their What’s Up Wednesday link-up! Once a month we answer the following questions… What We’re eating this week : We found ourselves with a bit of extra time after running some errands and decided to pop into California Pizza Kitchen. We love the Thai Chicken Pizza and the BBQ…