So, I did a thing. I wrote/drew my favorite chocolate cookie recipe on the inside of one of my kitchen cabinets. I use this recipe so often you’d think I’d have memorized it but nope. So whenever I wanted to bake up a batch I’d have to pull it up on the note app on my phone. I wanted it to be a little easier to find. What better place than inside my baking cabinet! I took the door off the hinges and then, using pencil, lightly drew out the words and then added illustrations that I thought were cute (and easy for me to draw). I inked over everything with a good ‘ole black sharpie and then finally added a top coat of clear sealant to protect it from the usual kitchen messes. Now I have the best ever chocolate chip cookie recipe at the ready and if we ever sell this place, the new owners will find an unexpected recipe surprise. 🙂

Super cute idea. You are so clever!