As usual, it’s Friday, so I’m linking up with Andrea, Erika and Narci to bring you a few of my favorites from this past week. I’m including a new Wantable Review as well as a fair amount of randomness.
First up! A new Wantable review! Seeing the Wantable box on my front porch made it a Friday favorite for sure! This was my second delivery from them and I was quite pleased with the variety of items (not so much with the prices though!). If you missed my first review check it out HERE! I talk about Stitch Fix and Trunk Club in that post as well. Here’s a brief run down of this months delivery…
- Always fun to open!
- What came in the box
- Plain black in the front
- fancy in the back!
- Green top- too clingy
- Little Black Dress- hard to see!
- Closer up
- High necked in the front
- Tulip styled back
- Casual navy dress-Super soft!
There was also a pair of boy friend style jeans, but they were much to big and and a two-pack of cami’s but I didn’t care for them…fabric was too thin. If money hadn’t been an issue I would’ve kept the black dress, navy dress and the tulip backed top. BUT after much consideration, I realize that I just don’t have as much use for a somewhat fancy black dress. I wish I did….but no. We are just too casual around here. In the end I kept the navy dress. It’s pretty boxy BUT it is SO stinkin’ soft! I can see dressing this up with a denim jacket and tall boots or dressing it down with flip-flops. It could even work as a swim suit cover-up. It seemed like it had the most bang for the buck. In the end I returned everything else. 🙂 I will continue to get deliveries from Wantable…I really appreciate the variety of styles they include and while I haven’t loved every style, I can say that everything (minus the jeans in this order) has fit perfectly. I suspect I still utilize Stitch Fix and Trunk Club but Wantable is starting to edge them out. ——
Onto other things! This past week Sofia, Sarah and Joshua had eye appointments. This was Sofia and Joshua’s first time. Much to their chagrin they did NOT need glasses. Boo! Both Josh and Sofia BADLY wanted glasses, but, bummer for them…their eyes are just fine. Our pocket book appreciates their nice healthy, 20-20 eyes. 😉 Sarah walked out with an updated prescription for new lenses. We are going to see if Costco has any affordable frames that she likes.
Finished my Spring Drawing. This Chalkboard is the first thing people see when they walk into my home. I try to put up a seasonal (sometimes holiday specific) drawing…one that I won’t get sick of for a while! These suckers take time! LOL!
I started my search for the perfect dry shampoo for redheads…stay tuned for a detailed review of more than 10 varieties of dry shampoo!
- ICK! Gross before picture
- The after Picture…Not too bad
While Sarah and I were looking at prom dresses we came across this “beauty”. In the infamous words of my bestie…What the What!!?? Seriously! WHAT is happening here??? This is most certainly NOT a Friday Favorite!
Finally my poor guy fell while playing tag and somehow managed to hit his mouth on some other kids head…hey, where there’s a will there’s a way! haha! This hit to the mouth created a massive blood pouring from his mouth, all over his clothes and all over the playground. To here Josh tell it, the kids on the playground parted like the Red Sea to let him and his bloodiness through to the Nurses office.
Of course I got the phone call to pick him up while I was in Target…with a LOADED cart. Such a dilemma…leave the cart and rush to get him….OR…get through the line, buy the stuff, load it in the care and THEN rush to get him. Which did I choose?? Do you really have to ask? I mean I’m a caring, loving, concerned mother….uh….yeah…I totally stayed to buy the stuff. Sorry but there is no way I was going to go back and redo an hours worth of shopping, no way. So I got to him as soon as I could.
Upon arrival I couldn’t help but notice that he looked like a murder victim, the front of him covered in blood. Good grief, I knew as soon as I saw…that shirt (and probably the pants too) were going straight in the trash. Aint nobody got time for that kind of laundry nightmare! #isuckatstainremoval
We headed straight to the dentist where x-rays were taken. His lip had stopped bleeding by now and didn’t require stitches, but one of his top teeth is a bit loose. We go back in a couple of weeks for more xrays to check for any fracture. Here’s a pic once he was cleaned up…fat lip but otherwise intact, ready to eat soft foods for the next couple of days. He’s decided to survive on applesauce, yogurt and clam chowder…whatever! 🙂
See you next Friday for more Favorites!
What the WHAT, indeed! That dress looks like some kind of envelope. Those dresses from Wantable are tres chic and that green top looked beautiful on you!