I know I can’t be the only Amazon obsessed person out there…right? It’s gotten to a point where I’m saying…”just order it on Amazon” several times a week! LOL! Seriously, is there anything you CAN’T buy on Amazon?? Of course I use Prime. I’m so spoiled by Prime 2 day shipping (sometimes even 1 or same day!) that I’ve been known to cancel an order from another site just because it will take 5-7 BUSINESS DAYS!! What fresh hell is this??…is it 1990?? In case you are curious here’s what I’ve been priming lately…
reusable grocery bags

I’m finally getting with it and have made the switch to reusable grocery bags. I will do a full review post on these soon! Suffice to say these are the perfect bags!
reusable produce bags

Yup…I’m ditching the plastic produce bags too! I primed these mesh bags and I love them!
cat door

We finally got tired of leaving the basement door open all the time so that our three kitties could go up and down at their leisure (their food and litter box is kept in the basement). I looked at a ton of cat doors and decided on this one. It’s stream-lined and has a see through flap which I figured would make my nervous cats a little less nervous about stepping into the unknown! LOL!
no soliciting sign

We’d had it with the door knockers. We don’t need windows, siding, a roof, pest services, lawn services, power washing and we’ve already found Jesus. So far, so good…since I placed the (magnetic!) sign on our door we haven’t had one single sales guy ringing our bell!
design book and colored pencils
One of my daughters friends wants to be a fashion designer when she grows up so this seemed like the perfect gift for her birthday. I wanted to find something that wasn’t too “baby”…I mean she is turning 10 after all! I thought this design book along with this highly rated set of (not just for kids!) colored pencils fit the bill.
bathroom lights

Aren’t these just the prettiest lights?? I bought two of them for our master bathroom remodel…now just to get them installed!

yes, marbles. My kids school did a P.E. unit on classic games…you know like jacks and pick up sticks and MARBLES. They came home and were dying to play. I looked at 5 Below, the Dollar Tree and Target…guess what? no marbles. SO…I bought them from Amazon (where I should have started in the first place!). This tin of marbles has plenty for both kids and they seem to be good quality.
——————————————————————————————————————-That’s it for this edition of what I’m priming. What about you? Do you Prime? Had anything really great delivered lately??

It’s Friday so it must be time to link up with Andrea, Narci and Erika, for Friday Favorites.