I’m joining up with Shay, Sheaffer and Mel on their monthly link-up “What’s Up Wednesday”, to answer the following questions…
WHAT I’M EATING THIS WEEK… The menu planning portion of my brain has turned off. I suspect after planning and cooking roughly 300 dinners a year over the span of 20 years, that I’ve hit a brick wall. So, until I’m inspired we are doing this basic formula…
1. Some kind of Meat
2. A veggie side
3. Either another vegetable (like a salad) or some fruit or potatoes
This week, so far we’ve had Salmon with green beans and apples, Steak with salad and potatoes, and Ham with peas and applesauce (yawn…how boring!)
WHAT I’M REMINISCING ABOUT… Cruising, always cruising! Today I’ve been thinking about our cruise up the East Coast into Canada. Portland, Maine had some super yummy lobster rolls!
WHAT I’M LOVING… This silly little deodorant! Secret now makes these cutie little purse (or gym bag if that’s your thing!) sized deodorants. They come in Paris Rose, Luxe Lavender and Cool Waterlily and are super easy to tote around. While it is a bit bigger than the EOS lip balm…I can see how it might be easy to confuse the two! HAHA! The last thing you want to do is to be swiping deodorant on your lips or rubbing lip balm on your underarms! LOL!
WHAT I’’VE BEEN UP TO… Hmmmmmm……let’s see, pretty basic stuff…I set up a couple of spring college campus visits for Sarah. Had coffee with a friend. Tackled the laundry. Went out for drinks with my BFF. (Christina…maybe we should call it “Tipsy Tuesdays!”)
And let’s face it, without “TIPSY TUESDAYS” We might need….
hahahaha!! (Funny cause it’s true!)
WHAT I’M DREADING… The HOA board meeting tonight. Ugh! I loathe these type of meetings. Typically so much wasted time. I’d much rather be home binge watching Netflix. Sigh.
WHAT I’M WORKING ON…Party planning. I’ve got a ladies brunch coming up and I’m trying to finalize our HOA’s Social Committee plans/budget for 2018-2019. I’m hoping to offer a chili cook-off and wine tasting event this coming year!
WHAT I’M EXCITED ABOUT… Headed to California in April to visit a friend who recently had her first baby. Can’t wait to hold that little guy! (And let’s be honest…going somewhere by myself is always something to get excited about!)
WHAT I’M WATCHING/READING… Nick and I have been watching a British crime show called “Happy Valley”. The name and the opening music is super lame, but the show itself is quite good. I just finished up my February Book Review…check it out here. I started “The Atomic City Girls” last night, its not grabbing me right away but I’ll give it a couple more tries. I picked up, from the library, a book my friend Melissa recommended called “Defending Jacob”. The only copy available was the large print version…I can’t believe how big the font is! Holy cow! I could put this thing across the room and still read it just fine! LOL!
WHAT I’M LISTENING TO…It’s breezy outside and my wind chimes are making the prettiest music.
WHAT I’M WEARING…I’m in love with the jeans I got in my last Trunk Club shipment. They are such a great fit. Today I paired them with a fun top I received in my last Wantable order. I’m really having fun with this whole clothing delivery thing! In fact I have another Trunk Club coming tomorrow and a Wantable next week.
WHAT I’M DOING THIS WEEKEND…OOOOOhhhhhhhh……we are having Sarah’s, boyfriends, family over for dinner. This ought to be interesting. I only wish I knew what I was going to fix (I refer you back to question number one!)
WHAT I’M LOOKING FORWARD TO NEXT MONTH… Oh my gosh! I cannot wait for Spring! I hate, hate, hate winter. It’s gray and drab and long. Blah. But Spring….oh I LOVE Spring! Green everywhere, birds singing, opening my pool, flowers, fresh air…seriously, I adore everything about Spring.
WHAT ELSE IS NEW…Not a whole heck of a lot. Really it’s just life like normal. But don’t get me wrong I’ll take “normal” life! That just means there are no crisis situations to deal with and that is never a bad thing! 🙂
“Tipsy Tuesday” it is! Lol! We might need to find a different place – those Bahama Mamas were pretty watered down. 😅
Can’t wait for next Tuesday, bestie!
Fast forward 25-30 years and you’ll love “large print”.