Boy have I been busy lately!! Well not so much busy as occupied. And when I say occupied I mean jury duty! LOL! Yes, it’s true I was finally chosen to serve on a criminal trial. I’ve been called 3 other times and never had to serve. I’d like to say that it was a super suspensful, edge of your seat, kind of trial, but no. In fact it was often times hard to stay awake! haha! Anyway, it’s all over and now I’m trying to play catch-up. I’ve got the laundry and house cleaning under control, so now I can focus on my blog! I’ll start back up with a February edition of What’s Up Wednesday.

On the last Wednesday of each month I link up with a Shay and Sheaffer to give you a glimpse into what’s been going on around my neck of the woods. 🙂
1. what we’ve been eating…
Chicken Bacon Ranch Frito Casserole (recipe found here)

2. what I’m reminiscing about…
Our recent Wisp Ski Resort getaway. (full post coming soon!)

3. what I’m loving…
My adorable 4 year old god daughter made me this TOE-tally cute Valentine

4. what we’ve been up to…
lots of remodeling! We’ve been up to our ears in the dust that can only come with remodeling projects. Both of our upstairs bathrooms got some TLC. (full post coming soon!)
5. what I’m working on…
Getting all of my kids art work together so I can send it off and have books made. I’m using a company called Artkive. Once I’ve got the finished books, I’ll share with you the entire process. 🙂

7. what I’m excited about…
my upcoming book review! I read 8 books this month and a couple were really, really good!
8. what I’m watching or reading…
I finished the series Bramwell (britbox through Amazon Prime.) Seasons 1-3 were fantastic!! But skip season 4…I’m serious! I don’t know what happened (new director? new writer?) but season 4 sucked!!! Stick with the first three and you’ll love it. It’s about a female doctor in late 1800’s Londons East End.

As for reading…hands down the best book I read all month was Rabbit by Patricia Williams. It’s a memoir of a girl who overcame terrible obstacles growing up in a drug infested Georgia neighborhood. By the time she turned 15 she already had two kids!! I’ll give a full review in my monthly reading roundup.

9. what I’m listening to…
right now? I’ve got my “nostalgia” playlist on repeat. It includes some of my all time faves… Pink Floyds Comfortably Numb, Forever Young by Alphaville and The Beatles In My Life, among others! (it’s quite an eclectic mix!)
10. what I’m wearing…
I don’t have many dress up opportunities so when it came about that I’d be doing the whole jury duty thing, I decided to take advantage of needing to wear something other than skinny jeans or leggings and wore these new wide leg pants. I bought them out of my most recent Trunk Club box. For other fashion delivery reviews check out my style page.

11. what I’m doing this weekend…
not much! Just getting Nick ready to leave Monday morning for a business trip to Hawaii. And to answer the most asked question, no, I’m not going! The flights from the east coast to Hawaii are L.O.N.G. and, in my opinion, not worth it. If I want to hit up a tropical beach I’ll just head to the Bahamas thank you very much! LOL!
12. what I’m looking forward to next month…
well…lets see…I’m having lunch with my god daughter, visiting Sarah’s college campus, getting my hair done and that’s about it! (besides all the normal everyday junk that is! LOL!)
13. what else is new…
nothing! really, we are so boring around here. 😉
bonus question…what’s your favorite board game to play with your kids…
Well, first off I’ll tell you what my least favorite board game is to play with my kids…Monopoly!!! It drags on forever and inevitably someone ends up in tears (most often me! LOL!). I do, however, enjoy playing Ticket to Ride. Because we are a family of six (and the game only has up to 5 players) we have to play in teams which works way better! This was I can pair up a younger kiddo with an older. We have a much more peaceful game night this way!

I have this New York version on it’s way to us. Should be fun to tackle new terrain.